
Get your antimalarials for your next trip. Safe and convenient access to antimalarials. Book your appointment.
Hajj and Umrah Vaccine

Get expert travel Health advice, vaccinations and antimalarials in West Sussex.
Travel Clinic

Get expert travel Health advice, vaccinations and antimalarials in West Sussex.
Blood Pressure Check

Get your blood pressure checked by one of our trained pharmacy team members,
Inhaler Technique Service

The Inhaler Technique service is designed to improve the management of patients.
Private Prescriptions
We stock a wide range of medicines and in most cases, we can dispense your prescription.
EPS Nomination

The electronic prescription service (eps) is an NHS service that allows your doctor surgery.
Free NHS Blood Pressure Check

We are now registered to provide free NHS blood pressure checks for patients.
Prescription Collection Service
If you need to collect your prescriptions from the gp surgery but you are unable to go there yourself.
Free Prescription Delivery Service

We offer a free prescription delivery in a selected local area.